Landscape Photography on the Isle of Man

James Brew is a 32 year old Isle of Man photographer with a passion for capturing enduring landscape images of his home island, the Isle of Man. Here we share some of his fantastic images and why he loves photography on the island.

This beautiful Island has provided the perfect platform for James to develop his landscape photography portfolio over the last 12 years. In his opinion the island is a beautiful place full to bursting point with wild and wonderful landscapes which lend themselves perfectly to landscape shots.   

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His photographic journey first began in 2006 with his very first camera (Fuji Finepix E900) purchased for a trip to South Africa. This trip ignited a combined passion for photography and travel which has had a profound impact on sculpting his life ever since. James has since travelled around the world visiting a diverse range of countries in search of some of the finest scenery the planet has to offer. It is a real testament to the raw beauty of the island that he has remained living here and continues to photograph it on a regular basis. Indeed he ranks some of the landscapes of the island up there with some of the best he has seen on all his travels.

James Brew Maughold

According to James the strength of the Island lies in its untamed, accessible, wild and diverse scenery. This small island in the middle of the Irish Sea packs in an awful lot into its relatively small size which makes it a treasure trove for those with a passion for the great outdoors. Within a single day it is possible to hike across mountain tops, walk along deserted beaches and hike into dense woodlands in the many quiet corners of the island. It is this incredible diversity right on his doorstep, which has allowed James to capture the amazing range of images he has put together in his brand new 2019 Isle of Man Wall Calendar.

James Brew Northern lights

The calendar contains twelve standout images from James’s portfolio and is designed to capture some of the finest off the beaten track Manx landscapes. This high quality and large A3 sized calendar is limited edition and represents the best Isle of Man landscape calendar currently available. The wire bound calendar is printed onto heavy duty professional paper with high quality prints for each month with a small story on the location and image. Limited stock of calendars are available to order on James' website

James Brew calendar


More reasons to fall in love with the Isle of Man.


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