
Manx Wildlife Trust

As a socially responsible company with strong ethical beliefs, Island Escapes have chosen to partner with the Manx Wildlife Trust as our selected charity for since 2018. When you book a holiday cottage, we ask for a small donation to the trust to support their work.

Over the last few years we have raised £20,000 to date, and the funds raised by Island Escapes have been used by Manx Wildlife Trust to support the management of nature reserves, improve educational signage for visitors and maintain access and pathways. The synergy is obvious, as more and more people are choosing to take staycations and enjoy the amazing wildlife and beautiful natural environment that the Isle of Man has to offer. Both Island Escapes and Manx Wildlife Trust believe there is a strong future for ecotourism and sustainable tourism in the Isle of Man.

A major force in protecting and promoting wildlife and wild places in the Isle of Man.

The Manx Wildlife Trust are:

Landowners: managing local nature reserves, encompassing almost 300 acres of land, two visitor centres and one shop.
Project managers of bird and land managers on the Calf of Man: an important bird sanctuary off the southerly tip of the island, in conjunction with Manx National Heritage and Manx Birdlife.
Consultants: advising landowners about best practice and providing surveys and information.
Educators: engaging individuals, companies, politicians and government departments about the importance of our environment and of the urgent need to protect it.

But most of all, are promoters and champions of the wonderful wildlife and habitats in, on and around our island.

Throughout the year they run a number of events that visitors are welcome to attend. You can find out more on their website.

We support a variety of community initiatives. We employ over 50 staff islandwide and our customers contribute greatly to the economy. Island Escapes is a big part of the local community.

Culture Vannin

They want to make Manx culture accessible to everyone, everywhere!

The Isle of Man is a very special place, somewhere with its own culture, history, and language, and our work supports and carries that forward, so that this shared sense of place always stays relevant. A small team, guided by the charity’s trustees, works in partnership with the community to deliver exciting and innovative projects with real integrity and impact. We support Manx music and dance, folklore, language, and so much more, and our trustees make grant awards to our fabulous cultural communities, enabling festivals and events, restoration of heritage transport, publishing and new creative work, all with a Manx theme.

Supporting, promoting and celebrating Manx culture. Taking Manx culture forward.

Global interest in Manx culture has never been stronger – our talented performers appear at festivals around the world to audiences in their thousands, and in 2023, an article in the New York Times celebrating the Manx language reached 220 million people!

You can find out more on their website:

They also have in-depth resources and information on our specialist sites: and

Culture Vannin is the trading name for the Manx Heritage Foundation, registered charity 333 in the Isle of Man

Island Escapes are delighted to partner with Culture Vannin since 2024. When you book a holiday cottage, we ask for a small donation and any donations received will help the charity support Manx culture at festivals and events.

Isle Listen

Through early intervention and prevention, Isle Listen is a mental health chairty supporting children and young people up to the age of 25 via our educational programme in schools and one-to-one therapeutic support. They also provide a suite of wellbeing solutions to businesses and community groups to support a variety of issues including mental health training, an employee counselling service and workplace wellbeing audits. Since 2020 Island Escapes have supported Isle Listen with a variety of initiatives and competitions sponsorship prizes.

For 2024 Island Escapes are pleased to be the lead sponsor of the Tough Mucka 2024.

Mental health charity supporting children and young people up to the age of 25.

Castletown Lawn Tennis Club

We were pleased to sponsor the clubs new nets and equipment. 

New nets and Equipment

Malew Ladies Football Club

Island Escapes have sponsored the Malew ladies football team since 2022. 

Island Escapes and Malew Ladies Football Club

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